Continental Steel welcomes Senior Minister of State Mr. Tan Kiat How and BCA officers to a visit of our facilities
22 Sep 2022
Continental Steel hosted Mr. Tan Kiat How, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of National Development, together with BCA officers to our facilities at 100 Gul Circle earlier this month.
Executive Director, Mr. Melvin Soh, gave an overview of Continental Steel before proceeding with a tour of our 3-storey covered warehouse. During the tour, we introduced various products including an innovative “green steel”, which has been sustainably manufactured with a low carbon footprint. This supports BCA’s efforts to encourage suppliers, like Continental Steel, to stock and distribute such products for our construction industry.
According to BCA, “Whole Life Carbon, a new sustainability section under the latest framework of the BCA Green Mark 2021, takes a holistic view of a project’s carbon footprint over its life cycle. The section incorporates the latest global standards on accounting for embodied carbon, and encourage low carbon design, resource efficiency in materials and products, sustainable construction practices and innovative solutions throughout the project’s life cycle as part of the decarbonisation efforts for the built environment.” Continental Steel intends to play our part by offering innovative low carbon materials and products to reduce the carbon footprint of our customers’ value chains. These solutions will support companies in their journey towards net-zero carbon emissions.
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